Sunday, April 1, 2012

Marla, lirik-lirik, pandang-pandang...nampak Mac kat KLCC... satu...Masha ALLAH....


Marla said...

Salam again...

Firstly, WHY three N3's with my name??? You miss me dok cerita kat your blog ke?? hihi...just kidding.

Anyway, I've seen the ones at Harrods...tu memang Harrods price...better to make it yourself right, if you can. Will ask my niece where she and her friends belajar...very cute. know my friend sent me a link on my Facebook for CL's blog about Rumah Anak Anak Yatim in Alor Star tu....I did not check his blog yet then...but I sent the link to all my family and eldest sister actually went to see the place when she went back recently. She was told they do need a lot of things and of course the house...I feel so sorry for them for not having a proper place to live....InshaAllah...we will do our part to help...

hahaha...I'm really hogging your place here!! OK my blog is:

I will republish my earlier N3's...doing some correction now... :D

boxhousestudio said...


besar ganjaran yang ALLAH beri bila kita gembirakan hati orang lain, tambah-tambah hati-hati yang memang wajib di beri perhatian...syukurlah...

mesti cl sujud syukur bila dia dengar berita indah dari Marla ni...ALLAHUAKHBAR!...

entah...sedap nak di sebut, sedap nak ditulis banyak-banyak kali ejaan nama Marla ni...^_^...

Marla harga Mac di Harrods tu sama dengan harga Mac yang BHS tunjuk kat gambar ni...size pun sama...cuma BHS tak ambil je..patut ambil sebiji dan rasa...haish...

jom meloncat ke your blog...jooommm...

Marla said...


BHS...please don't say that...we all need to do our part for the less fortunate,insya Allah...I only wanted you to know that my sis went...nothing else... :D

boxhousestudio said...

Faham dear...BHS bila bab bab camgini...lekas benar terasa sebak...